Discerning God's Vision, General Musings, Pro-Reconciliation/Anti-Racism, Prophetic Indignation!

Reimagining and Retooling Faith For An Explosive World

"I have begun to fear we have a reckoning coming that echoes less King’s arc and more the apocalyptic imagery James Baldwin used in his book which I chose as the reading material while on silent retreat the week before my ordination to Christian ministry: God gave Noah the rainbow sign; No more water, the fire next time. So let me zoom in on the world in which I live and work and have the most influence, and that is the mainline Protestant church of the late 20th and early 21st century.   I want to offer five temptations that humanity has struggled with its entire existence, but which we post-moderns are wrestling with in particularly challenging ways right now.  And, lest you think I have given up all hope, I will conclude by offering what I think are antidotes to each and what people of faith, in particular, can do to help change the course of history for the good."

General Musings, Sermons

January 22, 2012 Sermon & Podcast: “It’s Done, And It’s Just Begun!”

Sermon for Sunday, January 22, 2012 Mark 1:14-20 “It’s Done, And It’s Just Begun!”    Franklin Circle Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Cleveland, OH http://www.FranklinCircleChurch.org Hear the Podcast of this sermon:  120122SermonPodcast What does it mean for the carpenter to be hired, only to find that the house had already been built? What does it mean… Continue reading January 22, 2012 Sermon & Podcast: “It’s Done, And It’s Just Begun!”